If you’re a parent, you’ve probably already started thinking ahead to the holidays – and, if you’re newly separated or divorced, that means figuring out how to make the holiday visitation schedule work in a way that will keep the magic alive for your children. What...
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Custody & Parental Access
Can I relocate with my child – 5 reasons a judge may allow you to
What happens when you want to relocate after your divorce…. and of course, your plans are to take your child with you? Post-divorce life and lifestyle don’t look or feel the same as they did when you were in the midst of your divorce. Post-divorce, it’s very common...
5 signs a co-parent may attempt international child abduction
In the vast majority of cases, divorced couples with children eventually settle into some kind of working co-parent relationship. While things may sometimes get tense and conflicts can erupt, the parents usually find a way to work together for the sake of their...
Co-parents: Settle these 2 emergency issues before school starts
Divorce brings about significant changes in the dynamics of a family. When children are involved, these changes ripple into every aspect of their lives, including their education. As the school year approaches, recently divorced co-parents can find themselves facing...
3 back-to-school points for newly divorced parents
The back-to-school season can be stressful for any parent. For newly divorced parents, the challenges can seem even more daunting as they navigate new school routines and the intricacies of co-parenting. Having a solid plan to help you get through the back-to-school...
6 tips for planning a summer vacation with the kids after divorce
Some of the best summers children spend with their parents go unplanned, but you can’t always do that after a divorce. You may now only see your children for about half of the summer, which can dramatically cut down on your summer plans. You may still want to make...
What is the difference between physical and legal custody?
If you are going through a divorce with children, you likely will have to identify a child custody plan. Child custody helps determine each parent’s rights, responsibilities and obligations to their children. The biggest thing that will determine your parental rights...
Can I Move Out of New York State with My Child?
Congratulations on finalizing your divorce. You are on your way to creating a new happily ever after for you and your child(ren). If part of your new journey includes the desire to move out of state with your child, slow down, breathe, and take a pause before you sign that lease and pack your house. It’s not as simple as…
Legal Remedies for Parental Alienation – Part 2
Any phase of the divorce process should be about your children. It’s always about the kids and nothing else is more important. Unfortunately, not all divorcing parents are amicable. Too frequently, the non-custodial parent attempts to hamper and frustrate the relationship between the other parent and their child. This willful act to undermine the other parent may rise to the…
Parental Alienation: The Pendency of Divorce
Is your child’s other parent using negative manipulation to turn your child’s relationship with you against you? This type of behavior common during the pendency of a divorce action or in post-divorce situations is what is known as parental alienation. One of the most difficult theories to prove in a child custody proceeding, this two-part series shares the tactical and…