Work With An Experienced Divorce Attorney To Ensure A Fair Division Of Retirement Accounts

In high-asset divorces, retirement accounts may be a significant part of the marital estate. Equitably distributing assets like 401(k)s, individual retirement accounts (IRAs) and pensions requires addressing numerous considerations. Qualified Domestic Relations Orders (QDROs) are necessary to distribute retirement assets without incurring tax penalties. In situations where one or both spouses established their retirement accounts before marriage, distinguishing between separate and marital property adds layers of complexity.

At The Law Firm of Poppe & Associates, PLLC, in New York City, you will find skilled guidance on all aspects of dividing retirement accounts in a divorce. Lead attorney Mia Poppe has in-depth knowledge of New York family law and more than 14 years of experience helping people through tumultuous high-asset divorces. She is well-versed in the complexities of splitting IRAs, 401(k)s, pensions, investment accounts and other significant assets. Mia and her team will work tirelessly to protect your hard-earned assets and your future financial stability.

Dividing An IRA In A Divorce

An individual retirement account (IRA) is a common form of retirement savings that offers tax advantages. There are several types of IRAs, each with specific rules regarding contributions, tax benefits and withdrawals.

If these accounts are marital property, they may be subject to equitable division in divorce. Dividing them requires addressing tax considerations that can affect the financial outcome for both parties. Understanding and utilizing a Qualified Domestic Relations Order (QDRO) is crucial in these situations. A QDRO is a court order providing specific instructions to the IRA administrator on how to distribute the funds, and it must comply with meticulous requirements to shield the assets from taxation.

Dividing A 401(k) In A Divorce

A 401(k) is a retirement savings plan sponsored by an employer. It’s one of the most common types of retirement assets. As with IRAs, splitting a 401(k) requires obtaining a QDRO that spells out exactly how the account should be divided.

Dividing A Pension In A Divorce

While less common, pensions are another type of retirement benefit that requires careful attention during a divorce. Pensions are typically divided between divorcing spouses based on the portion accumulated during the marriage, often determined as a percentage of the total value. Determining the portion of the pension accrued during the marriage and the value of that portion can be complicated. Mia and her team can help.

Let Us Address Division Of Retirement Assets For You

Email us or call 646-665-3903 to schedule a meeting with an attorney. Retirement assets are often a critical part of the marital estate. We will work hard to see that they are divided accurately.