4 common mistakes to avoid during a divorce

On Behalf of | Aug 16, 2024 | Firm News

Divorce is a deeply personal and challenging life event that can stir a wide range of emotions in anyone. It requires thoughtful consideration and careful planning to obtain the best outcome for all involved. Here are four common mistakes to avoid when navigating a divorce.

Acting out of emotion

Divorce can be an emotional rollercoaster, but making decisions based on anger, sadness or frustration can lead to regrettable outcomes. It is crucial to approach the process with a clear mind and a focus on long-term goals. Emotional decisions can complicate negotiations and prolong the process, making it more stressful and costly.

Rushing the process

Divorce is not something that can be rushed. On average, the divorce process can take anywhere from a few months to over a year, depending on various factors. For instance, contested divorces can take significantly longer than an uncontested separation, where both parties cannot agree on terms. Understanding the legal requirements and ensuring all necessary steps are followed can prevent future complications.

Moving out prematurely

One of the most significant mistakes spouses can make is moving out of the marital home too soon. While it might seem like a way to reduce tension, it can have legal and financial implications. Staying in the house until a formal agreement is reached can help protect one’s rights and interests. It is essential to consult with a trusted legal professional before making significant changes to living arrangements.

Not hiring an attorney soon enough

Divorce is a legal process; navigating it with professional guidance makes it more manageable. A knowledgeable lawyer can help people understand the ins and outs of their divorce, negotiate terms and ensure all legal procedures are correctly followed. Delaying this step can lead to missed opportunities and unfavorable outcomes.

Divorce is undoubtedly challenging, but avoiding these common mistakes is easy if you have an experienced legal professional to guide you every step of the way.

At The Law Firm of Poppe & Associates, PLLC, our focus is relentless advocacy for our clients. If you or someone you know is considering divorce, reach out to schedule a consultation at 646-665-3903 or by contacting us online.


Let Me Be Your Brave

Mia Poppe, Esq.

Mia Poppe, Esq.
Managing Partner