Your marriage has reached a breaking point, and you need to separate from your spouse. However, financial or logistical reasons make moving out immediately very difficult.
If your living environment was already challenging, how can you manage this? It takes some careful planning and a lot of communication, but some couples do it. Here are some tips that can help you and your future ex coexist peacefully during this transition phase:
1. Establish clear boundaries
You’re going to need both physical and emotional boundaries to minimize the potential for conflicts. That means:
- You need space: Designate specific areas in the home that are “off-limits” to the other, such as separate bedrooms and/or workspaces.
- You need a schedule: You can’t divide the kitchen or living room, but you should try to schedule separate times for their use.
- You need privacy: Make it clear that neither of you should enter the other’s private spaces without knocking and asking permission.
Finally, establish a method of communication. Conversations will still need to take place about chores, household maintenance, finances and possibly children. Determine whether you’ll have a weekly meeting on neutral ground or use electronic communications, like email or text.
2. Draw up a financial agreement
Shared finances can complicate your ability to live separately under one roof, so establish different bank accounts and an agreement about the household bills. To that end:
- Split the expenses fairly: You can divide the mortgage, utilities and other shared expenses 50/50, but each person needs to be responsible for their own private bills, such as credit cards, car loans and entertainment.
- Agree on pay dates and methods: Determine who will take the responsibility for paying those shared bills and how the other person will transfer the funds for their share. For example, if your spouse is going to pay the mortgage, agree that you’ll transfer your half of the bill to them on time each month.
Finally, take care of your mental health during this process. If the situation is too emotionally charged, you can end up feeling drained and more stressed than ever. It’s critical to seek support during this time from friends, family or a therapist. Legal guidance can also help you decide your next moves.
At The Law Firm of Poppe & Associates, PLLC, our focus is relentless advocacy for our clients. If you or someone you know is considering divorce, reach out to schedule a consultation at 646-665-3903 or by contacting us online.
Let Me Be Your Brave

Mia Poppe, Esq.
Managing Partner